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The EU-NATO Task Force on resilience of critical infrastructure published today its final assessment report on “Strengthening the resilience and protection of critical infrastructure”. You can find the report here, while a press release from the European Commission is available here.

Key findings: The report maps out current security challenges for critical infrastructure and identifies four key sectors: energy, transport, digital infrastructure and space.

Key recommendations:

  • Increased engagement, while making full use of synergies, for instance in the case of a major hazard or a significant change in the security context;
  • Promoting engagement among Allies, Member States and the private sector, including on security by design for critical infrastructure;
  • Holding dedicated scenario-based discussions, including through the EU-NATO Foresight Seminar and with the support of the European Centre of Excellence for Countering Hybrid Threats;
  • Strengthening the Structured Dialogue on Resilience and the Structured Dialogue on Military Mobility, and expanding existing staff talks on cyber, space, maritime and energy, as well as between NATO's International Military Staff and the EU Military Staff.
  • Promoting best practices, assessments, and enhancing monitoring for security implication and cooperation, including between civilian and military actors;
  • Carrying out regular Parallel and Coordinated Assessments of the threats to critical infrastructure, building on the one conducted in spring 2023.

Next steps: The EU-NATO Structured Dialogue on Resilience will ensure coherence of the follow-up work of the Task Force.

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