The Open Call Type B applications are under evaluation EU-CIP Knowledge Hub REGISTER NOW

EU-CIP Open Call Type B FAQ: Funding Opportunity Up to 30.000 EUR!

As part of the Open Call implementation, winners will in principle have to do the following:
A. Engage with the project’s innovation management services, use them and provide feedback
B. Validate their solutions and receive possible support for marketing, standardization and certification
C. Prepare a credible business plan and a viable route to market for their innovation

6 (min) -12 (max) months.

The call concerns innovation management activities. A company may opt to do software development (e.g., prototyping) as part of them e.g., to showcase something to potential customers. However, software development activities are not required and are not the core of the open call’s activities.

The proposals will have a max. of 10 pages length. Each proposal will be filled-in on-line and proposers will have to comply to the limits imposed by the on-line forms.

More services are under development and will be made available upon the official launch of the Knowledge Hub of the project. Indicative services include:


  1. Innovation support services,which aim at providing focus support to developers of innovative products and services in the CIP domain. Specifically, the project provides a form-based service that enables innovators to provide information about their innovative developments (e.g., their pitch deck) to receive focused support information in terms of market analysis, access to finance and commercialization pathways.
  2. Training services, which target the upskilling and reskilling of innovators both in technological development areas and in the ever-important exploitation and commercialization areas. To support the training processes for CIP/CIR innovators EU-CIP has designed and developed a rich set of training resources and services, including a training catalogue that provides access to relevant courses from third-party education providers through a single point, a set of home-grown courses that are developed by EU-CIP, a series of EU-CIP organized on-line webinars, as well as a set of learning paths for entire roles and skills profiles in the CIP domain.
  3. Business plan support services,which are mainly focused on supporting innovators in the development and analysis of their business models and business plans. In this direction, EU-CIP consortium members will act as reviewers and auditors of existing business plans, while at the same time serving as mentors for smaller companies (e.g., start-ups) that might fall short in market knowhow and business experience.
  4. Co-Creation services, which are destined to support innovators in the design and validation of their services based on the engagement of EU-CIP experts/representatives. Such services will be provided on demand to innovators and in the form of co-creation meetings and sessions.
  5. Best practices and success stories,organized in a catalogue. The stories aim at providing examples of successful innovations towards inspiring prospective innovators, while at the same time facilitating the sharing of good practices.

All of these services will be linked/related to the proposed solution i.e. the TRL>=5 solution to be described by the proposer. This solution must be therefore described properly in terms of innovation, market potential etc.

As a minimum two main (mandatory) deliverables will be delivered based on the winner’s engagement with the above services:


1) Business/Commercialization plan: EU-CIP will support the development of this plan, which must outline how the solution will be brought to the market. The plan has to include details on the solution, target market, competitive landscape, USP, marketing and sales strategy, operational plan and financial projections. 


2) Feedback on EU-CIP services: A document which will outline your experience with using EU-CIP services. The aim of this document is to identify strengths and weaknesses, improve EU-CIP services and increase the overall effectiveness of our services.